The Basics of Pilates Exercise

logo I have no doubt you’ve heard of the Pilates Exercise. The purpose is to stretch and to strengthen your body.

That is why it is so popular with most contortionists and ballet dancers. But just because people are using this for physical improvement, and weight loss, it doesn’t mean that this exercise is a cardiovascular exercise. It is basically a low intensity exercise . Most instructors recommend this together with aerobics and other forms of exercise for best effects.

This form of exercise was invented by Joseph Pilates, a German National, as a self exercise. Joseph was born a fragile child, sickly and asthmatic, so he took to exercise to improve his body. When he was a bit older, he was living in France, and was arrested as an “enemy alien.’ During his internment, he was assigned to the medical facilities of the prison and this is where he used his techniques as rehabilitation exercises for the sick.

joseph pilates

Since then the exercise has gained its reputation for helping improve the overall physical state of the body. The exercise is a series of breathing techniques combined with stretching and a simple machine. The exercise is designed to improve the body’s core. This includes the muscles in the abdomen, back , and buttocks.

muscles strength Some say it is better than yoga overall because it strengthens the body through improving posture, strength and flexibility through stretching.

The machines used in these exercises, are there to challenge the body, by making it stay in certain positions while moving the other parts in differing directions, thereby training the body to endure strain, thus increasing strength.

The basic Ideology of the exercise is the use of the body’s mental ability to improve movement, efficiency and muscle control, which is also why they say that this exercise somehow improves one’s mental state, it makes you aware of proper posture. Due to the exercises that you do, it also develops the muscles in the back and abdomen, further promoting good posture.

The exercises also use breathing techniques, which further increases mental focus. And probably one of the greatest focuses of Pilates is flexibility and strength of the muscles. It is this ideology that made it popular among dancers in the begining.

Many enthusiasts and users have testified to the effectiveness of this program. With regular classes, the body becomes well balanced and stronger. Some say that after each workout, you can instantly feel the difference it has made to the parts of the body, mainly the legs back and abs.

Aside from increased strength, weight loss is what many people aim for when they do this type of exercise. Other benefits include increased energy levels, higher endurance, better flexibility, great abdominal workouts, and overall physical well being.

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