Lose Pounds When You Are 50 Lbs Overweight

logo Want to lose pounds,are you trying to lose weight? While some people only want to lose 5-10 pounds for a specific purpose, if you have more than 50 lbs. to shed, you need to consider more dramatic weight loss stratergies . You are not going to lose pounds overnight. Instead, try a balanced approach to losing the weight over time.

overweight,lose weight

Aim to lose weight at a rate of 1-2 lbs. per week. But, don’t dive right in. Instead, spend a week planning your diet.

First of all, weigh yourself. You will also want to keep a journal of everything you eat each day for a week. Include portion sizes. Also note any activity including working out, heavy house or lawn work, and sporting events or active play with children. Don’t do anything out of the ordinary during this week. Specifically, don’t decrease your normal calorie load or alter your normal foods. Also, don’t try to do anything different with your activity levels.

The reason you start with this is that you want to develop a baseline to start to lose pounds. When you see what you are actually doing, you can plan a strategy for change.

Go back through your food journal at the end of the week. Calculate how many calories you ate each day. Calculate how many calories you burned each day. Then weigh yourself at the end of the week. Have you gone up, down or stayed the same?

Now, you can begin the substitutions. If you gained a pound, you will have to burn an extra 3500 calories each week just to stay even. If you want to

lose 2 pounds, you will have to burn an extra 7000 calories.

Here are some simple substitutions:

• Eat only two servings of red meat per week. Substitute chicken or fish for all other meat meals.

• Consider substituting legumes (beans) for some protein sources.

• Add salads and vegetables to your meals. You should have one or the other at lunch and both at dinner.

• Add a broth based soup to your dinner. Eaten before the meal, it will help you fill up faster.

• Eat breakfast every day. People who eat breakfast lose more weight and lose weight faster than those who don’t. Great diet breakfasts include oatmeal and yogurt based fruit smoothies.

You should also add exercise to your lose pounds program. Don’t think that this requires you to join a fancy gym. Fire the maid and do your housework yourself.
A 180 pound woman who cleans the house for an hour will burn 250 calories. And, more vigorous cleaning such as 20 minutes of scrubbing your floors on your hands and knees burns over 100 calories. Even playing with your kids can help you lose weight. 30 minutes of vigorous play can burn off 200 calories.

So, if you are trying to lose pounds and you have 50 or more lbs. to go, consider doing a week of baseline monitoring followed by making a food lifestyle change. Also, try to increase the amount of physical activity you get in your life.

What Are The Benefits To Exercise

girl exercising We have long heard that there are benefits to exercise and that we should include it in our daily life, but what are those benefits exactly. There are some amazing health benefits that you will receive from including exercise in your life every day.

The first benefits to exercise that you will discover are the wonderful affect that it will have on your heart and lungs. Exercise will bring more oxygen to every cell in your body and improve the condition of your lungs and heart.

The heart will be able to work more efficiently and effectively which will improve the circulation in your whole body. When you increase the strength of your heart and lungs, you will avoid chronic illnesses like stroke, heart attack and breathing problems like asthma.

Weight loss is the most common benefits to exercise. For most people, losing weight is the reason that they began their exercise program and weight loss can help you avoid many illnesses as well. When you include a healthy diet along with your exercise routine, you are heading toward a healthier body all over.

Exercise will burn calories and when you are taking in fewer calories and burning more, you will lose pounds. One of the benefits to exercise that many people don’t realize is the improvement that it causes to your mood. Even people who hate to exercise will find that they are in a great mood for the rest of the day when they are finished.

When you include exercise in your daily schedule, you will be in a much better mood all of the time. Not to mention the great boost to your confidence you will feel when you begin to lose pounds.

Regular exercise in your daily schedule can also help you to sleep better. The body will become tired from the exercise and it will allow you to sleep better when it is time to lay down for the evening.

You should make sure that you don’t do your exercise right before bed, though, or you will likely keep yourself awake. Plan to do your exercise about five hours at least before bedtime.

One of the greatest benefits to exercise is skin health . When you work out, you work up a sweat and this is wonderful for your skin and keeping it healthy and clean.

Exercise is one of the most beneficial age related treatments that you can find and it doesn’t have to cost you anything. While many people are trying to find ways surgically to improve their appearance, exercise can do so much more with a natural approach.

There are so many benefits to exercise that will greatly improve your life. You will feel better and look great after just a few weeks of regular exercise. It is one of the greatest natural gifts that you can give to yourself. If you are feeling sluggish, tired and unhappy with your appearance, exercise is the best thing that you can do for your health.

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