Do You Want to Know How to Plant a New Lawn?


man on lawn

How to Plant a New Lawn

Are you looking for information on how and what to plant to achieve the best results.Are you wondering which method is the least expensive or which is the best method? Maybe you want to know what to plant so that you will have instant results? Whatever your questions, we are here to answer them. We will guide you through the three different options you have so you can choose which growing method is right for you.

Using Seed

grass seed Of all three methods, sowing grass seed is the least expensive way you can get a new lawn. The best time to sow seed is in the later part of the summer and into the early autumn or fall. The

only investment you will have in seeding is that you will need to purchase the seed and either buy or rent a seed spreader. You will also need to purchase a top dressing to cover your seed bed. Make sure the site is level and even and the soil properly prepared.

Using Turf

turf If you are looking for instant result, turf is the way to go. It is much more expensive than seed. However, one of the advantages of installing turf is that it gives instant results. The best time of year is in autumn or fall but remember to remove any leaves from the surface as soon as you can. The most important thing to remember about turf is that is should be purchased fresh and installed immediately.

Using Plugs or Sprigs

gras sprigs If you have a small area and live in a mild climate region, you have the option of planting plugs and sprigs. This is the most laborious method. Plugs and sprigs come in containers. You should measure your area to see how many containers of grass you will need. Plugs and sprigs are planted about every eight to twelve inches. If planted in the spring and with adequate care and watering, your plugs and sprigs will turn into a full lawn by the autumn.

Soil Preparation

Many people get caught up in deciding how to plant a new lawn and forget about the soil that the new grass will be growing in. The type, condition and texture of the soil are the most important element to getting healthy grass. Whether you are seeding, laying turf or planting plugs and sprigs, you should do all you can to ensure that your soil is properly prepared?

If you truly want to get off to a great start, you should have your soil tested. If you do not want to fool with locating a lab that will test your soil, simply purchase a soil testing kit and do it yourself. Soil tests will tell you what amendments should be added to your soil prior to planting.

Whether you plant to sow seed, install turf or plant sprigs and plugs, you should have the growing area tilled. If you do not till, grass may have trouble establishing roots – especially if the soil in the growing area is very heavy. The soil should be tilled to at least six to eight inches. After you have loosened up the growing soil, add any amendments/fertilizers that are needed based on your soil test and till them into the soil. After tilling, rake the growing area free of debris and you can start sowing your seed, planting your sprigs or plugs or installing turf.

Now that you know the three basic options you have and how to plant a new lawn, you simply have to decide which growing method will work for you.

If you' thinking of planting a new lawn you may find this book helpful.

Lawn Making

Click here to read the PDF in your browser, or right-click to download it.

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